About Me

I, m a designer & developer with a passion for web design. I enjoy developing simple, clean and slick websites that provide real value to the end user. Thousands of clients have procured exceptional resulfs while working with me. Delivering work within time and budget which meets clients requirements in our mata.


Ibrahim Rahman







What I Do

Vanila JavaScript

Lorem ipsum, dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Repellat eveniet, obcaecati ullam vero molestiae fugit.


Ab minima sint cupiditate, dicta natus pariatur expedita iste molestiae eius voluptates nihil quos nisi?


At, nam earum fugit, dolorum labore perferendis ducimus dolor unde inventore natus accusamus, quae cum?

Node Js

Voluptas, asperiores nisi? Ipsum accusamus dolores, impedit omnis doloribus nisi distinctio doloremque earum. Perferendis, tempora!

A summary of My Resume

My Education

Master in Computer Engineering

Harvard University / 2015 - 2017

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Master in Computer Engineering

Harvard University / 2015 - 2017

List skill/technologies here. You can change the icon above to any of the 1500+ FontAwesome 5 free icons available.

Master in Computer Engineering

Harvard University / 2015 - 2017

List skill/technologies here. You can change the icon above to any of the 1500+ FontAwesome 5 free icons available.

My Experience

Master in Computer Engineering

Harvard University / 2015 - 2017

List skill/technologies here. You can change the icon above to any of the 1500+ FontAwesome 5 free icons available.

Master in Computer Engineering

Harvard University / 2015 - 2017

List skill/technologies here. You can change the icon above to any of the 1500+ FontAwesome 5 free icons available.

Master in Computer Engineering

Harvard University / 2015 - 2017

List skill/technologies here. You can change the icon above to any of the 1500+ FontAwesome 5 free icons available.

Lets Connect

Please fill out the form on this section to contact with me or call between 9:00 A.M and 8.00 P.M ET, Monday through Friday.

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